What is a Home School Assistance Program (HSAP)?
A HSAP is a program that provides support and guidance with a certified teacher for parents who choose to homeschool. The HSAP is a part of the public school system and receives funding from the state to provide services for families who choose to enroll.
What is required to enroll in the HSAP?
A parent who would like to enroll their student(s) in the HSAP should call the HSAP office and make an appointment to discuss their goals as well as both the enrollment process and requirements.

General requirements:
  • The parent needs to fill out and submit the signed and dated Competent Private Instruction (CPI) form as well as the Mt. Pleasant Home School Assistance Program Enrollment Form.
  • Once enrolled in the HSAP each family will be assigned a supervising teacher. The parent, student and teacher are required to have four contacts per quarter, half of which are to be face-to-face. 
As specified in the Iowa Code, each certified teacher in the HSAP does have a limit on the number of students and families that they can supervise. Keep in mind that the HSAP could be filled to capacity and may not be accepting students.
Who is able to enroll in a HSAP?
Any student who lives in the Mt. Pleasant school district, or who is open enrolled into the district is able to enroll in a HSAP. (Note the open enrollment deadline is March 1st of the year prior to enrollment.)

What is dual enrollment?
Dual enrollment allows homeschooled students to participate in public school classes and extracurricular activities on the same basis as students who are enrolled full time in the public school. A student does not need to be enrolled in the HSAP to be dual enrolled.
What is open enrollment?
If a student resides in another school district and would like to enroll in the Mt. Pleasant HSAP, the Iowa open enrollment application must be completed and submitted. The deadline for open enrollment for 1st - 12th grade students is March 1st of the year prior to desired enrollment.
If you have a question that is not listed above, you may find the answer in one of the following places:
● Mt. Pleasant HSAP Handbook
● Competent Private Instruction Handbook

Or, give us a call at 319-385-7750.